Month: July 2012

Without Limits…Without Boundaries

Its been quite some time since i wrote a post. So as a jump starter for gaining that posting momentum again i thought of starting with something light today. No Content marketing strategies, or how to “WOW” online audiences, this post is dedicated to simply casting a stone on how far and wide is the reach of the social media, and any/every content produced online, and how it just cannot be kept hidden from public/people anywhere in the world.

Talking specifically about Epic content websites/engines such as Youtube where content pools extend into gazillions of videos and other interactive content available to audience worldwide, content stealing, idea ripping and idea duplication cannot go unnoticed. To ALL THE BRANDS/MARKETERS /CREATIVE AGENCIES out there, people do find out when a particular concept has been ripped off an international campaign, or when a complete international commercial has been duplicated onto a local brand communication/advertisement.

People cannot be made a fool of anymore simply because of the fact that:

1) Online resources for content searching and researching are mostly crowd sourced and hence open/available for use by anyone at all.

2) The biggest online resource pool for ideas is Youtube itself and hence its quite evident that someone is bound to run into a “rip off” you agencies make out of various international ads/campaigns.

people, and more specifically people related to creative fields such as marketing and advertising need to realize the fact that online content sources are made without keeping limits or boundaries in mind when it comes to sharing content ,so if a video is made in Pakistan, it would take less then an hour or so for it to go global and be watched by millions of other users on the internet, and out of those millions there are going to be at least a couple of thousands who would catch it IF its a rip off of some other campaign or idea, and hence would start a new thread of sharing but this time around that thread would not be so positive, rather it will be filled with critiques and negativity for the Brand,the Agency and the ultimately the company.

Its better to be cliched honestly than ripping off content online and duplicating it. not cool đŸ™‚