
Helpful ways of Catching Customers Through Social Media

Hey all, so its been a while since i wrote another blog post for Digitarium, other things had been keeping me busy lately, soo finally getting a little time today i decided to keep today’s post very simple and related to one of the things i talk most about here i.e. ways/tips on interacting and getting customers/audiences through the Social Media.

Here goes.

Search,Search and Search a bit more: the Social Media sphere is huge and believe it or not if you have a brand you might not be aware of people talking about it half the time, if not directly people might be using key words which are associated with your brand or word that might match your brand name, so you need to find these people,filter out these words on the Social Media, especially Twitter, use TweetDeck to put searches on specific words,tags. or associated brand words and find out whoever is talking about anything related to your brand,narrow them down and give them shout-outs a customer loves nothing better then the brand addressing them personally.tweetdeck

Pictures are always good: in today’s world people do not have time to read lengthy content, articles and paragraphs, but IF you post up a picture it can speak volumes..literally.. the probability of people engaging in conversation and feedback with you or your brand is twice as much when you put up a catchy picture or any sort of visual reference/ medium for the audience to interact with.

Use different platforms: Brands on the Social Media need to realize that their competitors might be using more than 1 medium of Digital communication, BUT they also need to realize that if they are using different Social Media Platforms for promotion they need to focus on attracting users on that specific platform, uniform offers all around different networks is not the best way to expand on Social Media, if an audience can find a brand promotion on Facebook and finds the same brand promotion on Twitter, then he would go on to the platform he is more accustomed to rather then going to all of em.try making exclusive offers on different Social Networks, to keep audience interested.

Lets Get Competing: Competitions are the best “evergreen” way of gathering volumes of followers and fans on your social media, it brings people on your page and it actually gets them to interact even. But, yes you need to be a little strategic when it comes to hosting these competitions, because this can attract a lot of unwanted or “fake” followers too. so yes hold competitions but looks for “quality” over “quantity” when devising competitions, so that you get loyal followers.

Lets Get Personal: People like it more when you are addressing them personally, they would be more inclined towards listening to you and do what you tell them to, if you address them individually they would prefer talking to you/your brand more rather than going towards others, and they will sooner or later turn into brand advocates for you. A consumer appreciates it more when a brand shouts out to them personally.


What I Learned from Mr.Jobs…Steve Jobs.. :D

Dedicated to the Maestro himself,the late Steve Jobs. Sleep Now Mr.Jobs you did this world a favour.

Steve Jobs passed away and left behind frenzied followers,Ā enthusiasts,Design geeks, nerdy programmers,developers but by far and foremost “thinkers,thinkers who THINK Differently”.

Social Media Networks flooded on the day of his passing, Twitter,Facebook,Google, people and tweets were crawling out of the wood work to write,express feelings share the sorrow and celebrate the life of the great design Maestro and tech genius Steve Jobs.

I too šŸ˜› being part of the whole “Me too” fad victim, went along with the whole thing, iĀ didn’t evenĀ know Steve (Sniff), for me he was just the guy who madeĀ peopleĀ look super cool and sold them gadgets which were super expensive even after which people were crazy about them. i don’t think half the people who posted condolences and respects to Mr.Jobs on Facebook even had a hint of who or what the guy REALLY was, and just what he had done for the world. His contribution to society and mankind was not in the way he had revolutionized design and technology,in my opinion it was he “HIMSELF” the greatest contribution to/for society.

ok all verbalĀ bollix aside i bought Steve Jobs book since i saw this was the “latest” fad which had come up since his passing, didnt actually read the whole book but i somehow learned a few very amazing lessons and things from it,(actually till the part that i had read).

  • if you need to do some,or get something done, YOU will have to do it yourself. no one is going to come our help you out in it. so instead of sulking in your couch “extensively” planning to do something, Just get your lazy bum up and actually do it.
  • have the WILL and the POWER to change what you feel is wrong around you, like Mr.Jobs said “either through actions or through sheer force of will”. Ā if you set your mind to changing something have the will to keep it going and you will succeed.
  • there are things/situations and factors around us which cannot be controlled, but that does not mean you stop controlling things which are under your control, control as many things as you can, to that the final outcome is what you want it to be, so that it itself is an extension of you, that how Steve did it.
  • Humans are bound to make mistakes, humans are not the “perfect” beings, no single person in this world is perfect, hence he/she does and will make a mistake soon or later, its owning up to those mistakes that really separate “real” people from “people”. Own up and face the music,you just might learn a thing or two from it.
  • Never underestimate yourself and your potential, you might be smarter than you think. šŸ™‚
  • Like the “Hulk” used to say ” Don’t make me angry,you wont like me when i am angry”. YOU should have this kinda “insane” gene built-in you at all times, creativity and “genius” demands a free flow of thoughts,expressions and emotions. When you own a brand a product YOU have every right to be super emo about it, if its going wrong SCREAM be angry, if things are going right be IN-YOUR-FACE HAPPY,LET IT ALL OUT IN ANY CASE :).
  • Nothing beats BEING YOURSELF. If you start getting cautious about how people look at you, how you will look in front of them you shall LOSE YOUR MOJO.
  • Learn HOW and WHEN to PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN, a successful and true leader does not have room for emotions in his professionalĀ endeavors, you need to make decisions which might rockbottom your popularity graph,but if your only concern is professional success and to actually make a mark in the world, this should not be a concern.

This is just about how much i read Stevies Book, will “try” to read the rest later :P. Before i leave a quote i read by the Maestro himself

If you haven’t found it yet,keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart,you will know when you find it. Like any great relationship,it just keeps getting better and better as time rolls on.” šŸ™‚ Cheers, Rest well Mr.Jobs.