customer experience

Make an impressive Social Media customer experience

It seems you have launched this amazing brand for the Youth. Youth that is hyper and way too emotional when it comes to brand loyalty and since you are a “new age” marketer yourself,you want to go all out on social media and promote your brand like there’s no tomorrow, but social media comes with its share of good news and bad news when talking about customer/brand interactions.

the bad news is, if you by any chance be it accidental or not slightly hurt the customers experience with the brand you risk not only tarnishing the brands image you also risk tarnishing on a bigger platform in front of target audiences from around the world, soooo the damage done to a brand on social media is exponential :s.

The good news however is, just as customer complaints travel at ligh speed through the social media, so do compliments 🙂

So how do you insure a good customer brand experience on the social Media, here are some pointers:

  • Use the basic essence of Social Networks,which is “a place for people to meet and talk”. YOU should create A PLACE FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS TO MEET AND TALK on the social media.
  • Make Social Media a regular part of your CUSTOMER SERVICE. you add UAN numbers and email addresses for complaints, add your brands social media link too, BUT….BUT be ready to have a plan to act on any queries or complaints received….you wont want to get caught with your pants down :).
  • Your Facebook and Twitter followers do not translate into the actual number of people that may be involved in your brand, many brands have a far bigger number of customers than the number on their social media pages, use this data base translate these customers INTO your social media fan base, interact and engage with them there keep them busy with your brand, hold online promotions and competitions on your page to keep them happy and involved.
  • Another important approach towards creating a customer experience on social media, BE PROACTIVE,be proactive in interactions with your followers, compliment them, answer their questions effectively and efficiently, tell them about things,put up interesting statuses. MAKE THE BRAND HUMAN.
  • MAKE YOUR TOP SOCIAL MEDIA PARTICIPANTS FEEL IMPORTANT, reward them, since they have been so loyal you could tell them a few things, maybe about a upcoming promotion in advance or develop a loyalty point system for them, this in turn helps creating these influencers’  in serious brand advocates.
  • CONTENT IS KING,always remember that unique,interesting and reader friendly content is what wins you the game in brand communications,give em something special….could be facts about your brand,could be tips for your brand..just give them something new to talk about and read regarding your brand so that they are kept interested in it.
  • Social Media IS the place to STAND OUT,The more interactive and engaging your social media presence, the better. In part, social media is a little anti-social because there can be a lot lost in plain text. By giving your fans a true voice on social media, or encouraging participation through photos and videos, you humanize the experience that much more.

so thats it,this is my take on how to create a better customer experience on the social media. the rest is just “simple” 😛