Social Media Apocalypse

The advent of social media not only bought a drastic change in the way people communicated around the world,but even in the tiny spec of a nation called Pakistan, social media took the country by storm, there was a time when people used to get their kicks out of chatting with complete strangers on chat platforms like Msn,Yahoo chat, and the all time shady MIRC. That was “interacting with random people” for us, it was our pinnacle of joy it suzy167 would reply to us on Yahoo chat saying “hi ASL, how are you cutie” and we would reply “im doing great whats your ASL” and one thing would lead to another and there would be Picture trading on Private messages, the more unlucky ones would get similar messages which would start turning into slightly sleazy replies only to find out later that the  person you were having an “intensely sleazy” conversation with was in reality a bot; a computer generated program which would run a loop of replies to all your questions*sigh*.

anywho, after countless encounters with suzie’s167s and beautygirl975s (both humans and bots), i finally stumbled upon Orkut one day, after a few friends at college told me about this “amazing Website” where you can put up your picture and add people and visit other peoples “profiles” and talk to them,write testimonials, make new friends “FROM OTHER COUNTRIES” O_O…. Life would never be the same for me “The Count” was going INTERNATIONAL.

Enter Facebook Stage Left, The world goes insane,people jump with joy, teens,young adults and anyone who spent considerable time on the internet got possessed by it…EVERYONE wanted to be on Facebook,everyone wanted to write testimonials for their friends,people start visiting each other on their profiles, the concept of “wall comments” emerged, people “Poked” each other and got poked back,communication took a totally different turn for the better with Facebook.

Life moved ahead and so did Facebook,soon came a time when people from all over the world were connecting with each other, old lost friends,important colleagues, “bosses” :s every one was getting acquainted virtually, and then it happened…..PEOPLE WERE NOW CONNECTED WITH EACH OTHER 24/7 365, Facebook had taken over the world, along with its sly little sidekick Twitter, Facebook had finally converted normal people into Social Media Frenzied zombies, their food was not flesh but the “hours” they would stay connected on Facebook and their aim in life was to “Like” and “share” every possible bit of information no matter how useful it might be with every one and everywhere.

Facebook had taken control of our lives,we had to put in every detail of every minute in our lives as our status so that the masters (Facebook) could keep track of our whereabouts, ” im taking a crap” , “i am leaving my wife” , ” i just had Chicken tikka masala for lunch”, Twitter followed every step of the way. the Fombies ( term i created for Facebook zombies) needed constant “food” they would not sleep they would not go out,they would not watch Tv, all they wanted was FACEBOOOOOOOKKKKKK..

The Fombies have since multiplied exponentially over the past years, growing in thousands and infecting millions at a constant rate, the Facebook organization has spread its virus worldwide mercilessly sparing not even a single soul,news has it the it is developing a new program where unborn babies and men sperm will be injected with drug  of sorts whereby these unborn babies still in the moms womb would be able to create their Facebook profiles telepathically, and would be able to chat,upload pictures from inside the womb   and tell their folks what they are feeling.

The social media apocalypse which was imminent struck us and we never even said “ouch” . Long Live the Apocalypse Long live my fellow Fombies. :[