Recognizing employees

The advent of Social Media has opened up a vast array for marketing,promotion and creating excellent P.O.M for anyone and everyone associated with it,whatever you want to promote or send out or market all you gotta do now is spread it like fire on Twitter,Facebook,Blogs etc. its as if you now have a huge trumpet to gather all the armies of Gondor ( yes i love Lord of the Rings), and thus you can promote your things almost anywhere and everywhere in the world,to whomever you want to… you are in complete control.

many a times within organizations,even in your own organization you might have felt the abundant you,and misuse of social media, and i am sure a few of your colleagues or even management might have heard from the IT administrators on the extensive use of it.

However wouldn’t it be great if you could use this for creating an atmosphere of appreciation and recognition for your employees. You can use social media as a acknowledgement tool for your employees along with it being a low-cost medium to show your support towards them.

here’s how :

  • Publicly recognize your employees accomplishments; posting a story on your brands/products Facebook page or on the company blog can help you in promoting your employees within the organization, and making others motivated towards productivity,plus its good advertising for the brand itself.
  • Boost up the company morale Real-time; almost everyone is on Facebook or some other form of social medium nowadays, so showing employee recognition on the social media sends out a signal that the employers are connected with the employees and care about their well-being it also encourages peer-to-peer acknowledgement; friends leave comments,congratulate,retweet and share news further etc. helps employees keep motivated.
  • The best way of recognizing employees on social media is through:

Facebook: the most widely used social medium,the more you recognize people on it the better.

Twitter: Tweeting and re-tweeting employee news,congratulations and other things help in spreading the news further and faster.

Company blog: if your brand or product runs a blog its always a good idea to let all the other employees know about any good news, acknowledgments and even employee promotions on it, this way the employees know that their good news is being circulated throughout the organization, people will not only praise them but will also be motivated to make an effort in having their accomplishments recognized.

Gifts: show appreciation towards your employees by sending them virtual gifts,it could be as simple as sending them something on Farmville :P,a simple congratulatory e-card or a online movie ticket, just something to make them realize that you are connected with them and that you care.

BE WARNED Though, there might be repercussions, not everyone likes to have themselves publicized on social media, there are people who like to keep the “lime light” off them as much as they can,so when you send out that “status” or Tweet that congratulatory note be very sure that the person you a referring to in those updates/notes is OK with what you are doing, because  social media also means exposure..but the difference is, its public exposure strapped onto 2 rockets :D.