Search Engine Optimization

Digital Marketing Plan for Dummies :D

So you have to make a Digital marketing plan eh! . i have been bugging a friend of mine who himself is a pretty decent Digital Marketing Specialist to share a generic digital plan with me, but he never would (primarily because hes a lazy bum 😛 ) soooo me being a lazy bum myself finally dug around a few places and found something that just might be helpful for budding Digital marketers around here.

lets start :):

First off,in order to start of a Digital Plan you need to keep one thing in mind regarding every Digital Campaign:

  •  you need to implement the key elements, monitor the results and make corrections to the plan as you move on.

so What exactly are the “Elements” (oohh scary) you need to look into when you are making a Digital Marketing plan.

  1. Website: its never about developing a website,anyone can develop a website ( well almost anyone 😀 ) its about creating that balance between content and visual representation, where to place what how NOT to clutter everything on one page,where to provide the right kind of information and where to discard un-important info.
  2. Search Engine Optimization: Once you build the website, make sure that the structure and the text is SEO-friendly. Keep updating the content. The aim is to be among the top 10 listings on Google, Yahoo and other search engines. 😀 ( isn’t it always ).
  3. Web 2.0 Strategy: The word itself sounds hard as hell,dont freak out, Web 2.0 is simply collaborating and synergizing a two-way traffic that brings the customer or partner voice to you. It may be Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or the industry forums where you can run your campaigns and post company news but more importantly, listen to the members, gaining an invaluable feedback mechanism.
  4. Mobile Marketing: With a super influx of mobile phones, sms packages, event smartphone apps, it has become a natural way of life for including mobile marketing in all marketing programs. So you dont forget OK.
  5. Email Direct Marketing:  It has become a very basic element of Internet marketing. Practically, every company implements it, but do it with opt-in and unsubscribe options.

now that you guys must have atleast a slightly clear idea about the elements which are used in developing a Digital Marketing plan,not all campaign require that you use all these methods of communication/marketing in them, but you can easily take a good combination of these elements and make it a part of your plan.

The most important part is to remember, how to monitor results for all the elements mentioned above being used in a digital plan,because in the cyberspace exposure and expansion of content and communication is what determines the success or failure of an online campaign.

see you peeps around.