Target market

Developing a Strong Social Media Plan: Part 1

Social Media marketing is not very different from traditional marketing, the way you plan a social media plan is in certain ways similar to how you plan for traditional marketing, difference is social media reach and limits are without boundaries.

How are they Similar?

Research is always the first step to take, its is by far the most integral part of any marketing plan…every successful marketing plan/campaign which ever came from a brand. To enter into a campaign without research is like entering a war zone without a gun. Research on your target market,consumer profiles,the competition and what social trends are currently hot.

concise synopsis, you need to streamline and identify all the factors which you highlighted in the above step, as this is going to help you up with setting objectives and goals.

The Analysis, a great way of further strengthening your plan is through creating a good SWOT analysis of factors which directly and indirectly affect or relate to your brand,the opportunities,weaknesses,strengths,Threats…nothing like a good SWOT analysis to clear your path.

Objective setting, this is something you need to do once you are done making your summary and conducting your SWOT analysis, now there should be a clear line of action/plan for you and now you can start making your goals and objectives.

Place your Strategies and Tactics in line.

Timeline,Timelines,Timelines, social media moves at the speed of light, so you need to have a timeline in place to track your standings and evolve accordingly, don’t go and create a whole timeline for the year because that would just be useless.

Make A Successful Social Media Campaign…You Shall!

Social Media plays a very important role of influencing and engaging audiences like no other medium, hence the probability of deriving a successful campaign through this medium is relatively solid then old age marketing in today’s world.

so how can you derive more traffic, sales conversions and more audience through a successful social media campaign:

  • Each person should have a specific role on the social media; you need to divide the responsibilities and tasks of every member in your team, who will look after online business development?who will derive content? who will maintain regular updates? etc. it beats 6 people talking to the same person on the fan page,overlapping each others jobs, everyone in your team needs to be effective and consistent what they are looking after.
  • You need to know where your target market spends most of their online time; we see new social networks popping up by the dozen everyday, what you need to realize is that it is impossible..rather stupid if you try to be on all these networks, it will only end up in causing more chaos then any sort of systematic process in your life. The more “intelligent” solution to this is by doing an applied research on all popular networks, going through blog directories and using online measuring tools to see which networks are your audience mostly interacting on, and them jump in, then its your ball game on which tactics to use for enticing the audience.
  • and the most important aspect as always, engagement, sensible engagement that is, you need to know what to write,how to interact and just what will the audience respond to, your updates,statuses and any message broadcast should be unique and interesting enough to create a conversation,retain it and ultimately convert it 🙂

More on this later :)….